Welcome to Pastorek Habitats LLC
We provide a full spectrum of ecological landscape design services...
...including a unique, locally sourced seed product tailored specifically to each project. We collaborate on projects of varying scale and diversity, ranging from tiny urban rare plant gardens to authentic, diverse grassland habitat restorations spanning hundreds of acres.
Our services and products include:

Site Evaluation and Analysis
A quick visit to your project site, can survey the existing vegetation for problematic species and, using indicator plants that are present there, determine the appropriate path to transform your meadow idea into a reality. You may have the makings of a natural meadow existing already! We can determine by examining soil samples, how to best approach restoring the appropriate vegetation.
On Site Consultation
Let us walk your property and discuss with you, your intentions regarding design and on-going management in order to understand the concerns and potential problems that you might encounter along the path to meadow restoration/establishment.

Design Specifications
We work closely with our clients to develop designs, drawings and construction documents that can then be used to build the project from start to finish.

Site Preparation
Let us do the necessary groundwork to prepare your site for construction of your ecological landscape. We can make real-time determinations on best practices to help you reach your ecological goals.
Custom Seed Designs
Because we use our own locally sourced seed harvested from multiple collection sites across the central gulf coast, we're able to provide a specialized seed list based on your project location and your individual design goals.

Planting and Post Planting Management
We combine prairie ecology and horticultural expertise to build the most picturesque and diverse natural landscapes in the region. Using the science of restoration management, we can use the best scientific practices to steer your plantings via the process of natural succession, into a highly functioning ecosystem in the shortest time frame possible.